Mitchell Families Online



 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Age at Death (Mitchells Only) Age at death of all Mitchells. (Only where birth and death date is known or estimated.) 
2. Birth days Days for Birth (ranked by day of month) 
3. Birth Months This report gathers data from all known birth dates across the database and ranks them by month. 
4. Largest Families Report (Heaver tree) This report list all familes, sorted by the number of children they had. Underlined entries are links to the actual records. 
5. Largest Families Report (Mitchell tree) This report list all familes, sorted by the number of children they had. Underlined entries are links to the actual records. 
6. Occupations & Frequency This report lists all occupations sorted by the highest frequency. 
7. Aquarius Individuals born in astrological sign Aquarius: 21 JAN - 19 FEB  
8. Pisces Individuals born in astrological sign Pisces: 20 FEB - 20 MAR 
9. Aries Individuals born in astrological sign Aries: 21 MAR - 20 APR  
10. Taurus Individuals born in astrological sign Taurus: 21 APR - 20 MAY  
11. Gemini Individuals born in astrological sign Gemini: 21 MAY - 21 JUN  
12. Cancer Individuals born in astrological sign Cancer: 22 JUN - 22 JUL  
13. Leo Individuals born in astrological sign Leo: 23 JUL - 23 AUG  
14. Virgo Individuals born in astrological sign Virgo: 24 AUG - 23 SEP  
15. Libra Individuals born in astrological sign Libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT  
16. Scorpio Individuals born in astrological sign Scorpio: 24 OCT - 22 NOV 
17. Sagittarius Individuals born in astrological sign Sagittarius: 23 NOV - 21 DEC  
18. Capricorn Individuals born in astrological sign Capricorn: 22 DEC - 20 JAN 
19. Females : Sorted on 1st name All females in the database sorted by their first names 
20. Males : Sorted on 1st name All males in the database sorted by their first names 
21. People sorted on date This gives you a list of the people born before 1500, sorted on date of birth