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Report Name |
Description |
1. | Age at Death (Mitchells Only) | Age at death of all Mitchells. (Only where birth and death date is known or estimated.) |
2. | Birth days | Days for Birth (ranked by day of month) |
3. | Birth Months | This report gathers data from all known birth dates across the database and ranks them by month. |
4. | Largest Families Report (Heaver tree) | This report list all familes, sorted by the number of children they had. Underlined entries are links to the actual records. |
5. | Largest Families Report (Mitchell tree) | This report list all familes, sorted by the number of children they had. Underlined entries are links to the actual records. |
6. | Occupations & Frequency | This report lists all occupations sorted by the highest frequency. |
7. | Aquarius | Individuals born in astrological sign Aquarius: 21 JAN - 19 FEB |
8. | Pisces | Individuals born in astrological sign Pisces: 20 FEB - 20 MAR |
9. | Aries | Individuals born in astrological sign Aries: 21 MAR - 20 APR |
10. | Taurus | Individuals born in astrological sign Taurus: 21 APR - 20 MAY |
11. | Gemini | Individuals born in astrological sign Gemini: 21 MAY - 21 JUN |
12. | Cancer | Individuals born in astrological sign Cancer: 22 JUN - 22 JUL |
13. | Leo | Individuals born in astrological sign Leo: 23 JUL - 23 AUG |
14. | Virgo | Individuals born in astrological sign Virgo: 24 AUG - 23 SEP |
15. | Libra | Individuals born in astrological sign Libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT |
16. | Scorpio | Individuals born in astrological sign Scorpio: 24 OCT - 22 NOV |
17. | Sagittarius | Individuals born in astrological sign Sagittarius: 23 NOV - 21 DEC |
18. | Capricorn | Individuals born in astrological sign Capricorn: 22 DEC - 20 JAN |
19. | Females : Sorted on 1st name | All females in the database sorted by their first names |
20. | Males : Sorted on 1st name | All males in the database sorted by their first names |
21. | People sorted on date | This gives you a list of the people born before 1500, sorted on date of birth |